Pretty Mama, Lisa Marie Presely

lisa marie presley and twins
Lisa Marie Presley and Twins
Do you think you could handle being Lisa Marie Presely for even a week and have an ounce of grace or beauty left in you? I’m voting NO. Elvis is at least equal to the Pope in admirers and worshipers. What am I saying, he is way more powerful than the Pope! There’s no telling how many people in the world are thinking about or listening to Elvis right now. When you are the heir to the undisputed King of Rock ‘n’ Roll, I bet everything is more complicated.  Everyone looks closer and you aren’t allowed to make mistakes. 
This is a great Marie Claire article. It’s easy for me to see why she married Michael Jackson  who is was the King of Pop. It’s almost like a match made during the Renaissance. So what if there was some deal about music?  I’m sure they had a lot in common considering their lives. I think she looks beautiful pregnant and so much like her mother Priscilla in the photo.  I have no idea if these babies are born yet. Let me know! Enjoy! Thanks for reading! Thanks Miss Missy for sending the link!

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